
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 12:21:01

补充:A very good morning/afternoon/evening to you ladies and gentlemen. My name is xxx, and I am the MC/host of the ceremony(典礼)/program(节目)tonight.(这一句你也可以说I am the Mc/host for tonight.主要看你主持那种节目咯)。A very warm welcome to all of you.
# I'll be leading you through the series of activities tonight. Please sit back and relax, and shall we start now?

# 我将带领你们观看/体验今晚的一系列节目。请坐好享受吧!那么,我们开始吧?

ps. 那句前面有# 的你自己看看要不要。还需要补充什么的话跟我说。

Hello!Everyone.Welcome to our program/party/meeting.Now let me introduce myself,My name is ***, the host of the program/party/meeting.I am very glad to be with you here.Today we have prepared many interesting programs/games/.I hope you'll enjoy them.Now I have the honor to welcome our...